
Creating JSON, TEXT, TOML or YAML files

# examples/hello.nix
# this is one nix file
  files.json."/generated/hello.json".hello = "world";
  files.toml."/generated/hello.toml".hello = "world";
  files.yaml."/generated/hello.yaml".hello = "world";
  files.hcl."/generated/hello.hcl".hello   = "world";
  files.text."/generated/hello.txt" = "world";

Your file can be complemented with another module

# examples/world.nix
# almost same as previous example
# but show some language feature
  name = "hello"; # a variable
  files = {
    json."/generated/${name}.json".baz = ["foo" "bar" name];
    toml."/generated/${name}.toml".baz = ["foo" "bar" name];
    yaml = {
      "/generated/${name}.yaml" = {
        baz = [

Content generated by those examples are in generated

# ie ./generated/hello.yaml
  - foo
  - bar
  - hello
hello: world


This project is configured by module project.nix

# ./project.nix
  # import other modules
  imports = [

  # My shell name
  devshell.name = "devshell-files";

  # install development or deployment tools
  packages = [
    # now we can use 'convco' command https://convco.github.io

    # but could be:
    # "awscli"
    # "azure-cli"
    # "cargo"
    # "conda"
    # "go"
    # "nim"
    # "nodejs"
    # "nodejs-18_x"
    # "nushell"
    # "pipenv"
    # "python39"
    # "ruby"
    # "rustc"
    # "terraform"
    # "yarn"
    # look at https://search.nixos.org for more packages

  # create alias
  files.alias.feat = ''convco commit --feat $@'';
  files.alias.fix  = ''convco commit --fix  $@'';
  files.alias.docs = ''convco commit --docs $@'';
  files.alias.alou = ''
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    print("Alo!") # is hello in portuguese

  # now we can use feat, fix, docs and alou commands

  # create .envrc for direnv
  files.direnv.enable = true;

  # disabe file creation when entering in the shell
  # call devshell-files instead
  # files.on-call = true;

This README.md is also a module defined as above

# There is a lot things we could use to write static file
# Basic intro to nix language https://github.com/tazjin/nix-1p
# Some nix functions https://teu5us.github.io/nix-lib.html
{lib, ...}:
  files.text."/README.md" = builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" [
    "# Devshell Files Maker"
    (builtins.readFile ./readme/toc.md)
    (builtins.readFile ./readme/about.md)
    (builtins.readFile ./readme/installation.md)
    (builtins.import   ./readme/examples.nix)
    ((builtins.import  ./readme/modules.nix) lib)
    (builtins.readFile ./readme/todo.md)
    (builtins.readFile ./readme/issues.md)
    (builtins.readFile ./readme/seeAlso.md)

Our .gitignore is defined like this

# ./examples/gitignore.nix
  # create my .gitignore copying ignore patterns from
  # github.com/github/gitignore
  files.gitignore.enable = true;
  files.gitignore.template."Global/Archives" = true;
  files.gitignore.template."Global/Backup"   = true;
  files.gitignore.template."Global/Diff"     = true;
  files.gitignore.pattern."**/.data"         = true;
  files.gitignore.pattern."**/.direnv"       = true;
  files.gitignore.pattern."**/.envrc"        = true;
  files.gitignore.pattern."**/.gitignore"    = true;
  files.gitignore.pattern."**/flake.lock"    = true;

And our LICENSE file is

# ./examples/license.nix
  # LICENSE file creation
  # using templates from https://github.com/spdx/license-list-data
  files.license.enable = true;
  files.license.spdx.name = "MIT";
  files.license.spdx.vars.year = "2023";
  files.license.spdx.vars."copyright holders" = "Cruel Intentions";