Sharing our module

Now to not just copy and past it everywhere, we could create a git repository, ie. gh-actions

Then we could let nix manage it for us adding it to flake.nix file like

  description = "Dev Environment";

  inputs.dsf.url = "github:cruel-intentions/devshell-files";
  inputs.gha.url = "github:cruel-intentions/gh-actions";
  # for private repository use git url
  # inputs.gha.url = "git+ssh://";

  outputs = inputs: inputs.dsf.lib.mkShell [

Or manage version adding it directly to project.nix (or any other module file)

  imports = 
    let gh-actions = builtins.fetchGit {
      url = "git+ssh://";
      ref = "master";
      rev = "46eead778911b5786d299ecf1a95c9ed4c130844";
    in [